Ørsted Initial Field Model

Nils Olsen, R. Holme, G. Hulot, T. Sabaka, Torsten Neubert, L. Tøffner‐Clausen, Fritz Primdahl, J. Jørgensen, J.‐M. Léger, D. Barraclough, J. Bloxham, J. Cain, C. Constable, V. Golovkov, A. Jackson, P. Kotzé, B. Langlais, S. Macmillan, M. Mandea, José M.G. MerayoL. Newitt, M. Purucker, T. Risbo, M. Stampe, A. Thomson, C. Voorhies

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Magnetic measurements taken by the Orsted satellite during geomagnetic quiet conditions around January 1, 2000 have been used to derive a spherical harmonic model of the Earth's magnetic field for epoch 2000.0. The maximum degree and order of the model is 19 for internal, and 2 for external, source fields; however, coefficients above degree 14 may not be robust. Such a detailed model exists for only one previous epoch, 1980. Achieved rms misfit is <2 nT for the scalar intensity and <3 nT for one of the vector components perpendicular to the magnetic field. For scientific purposes related to the Orsted mission, this model supercedes IGRF 2000.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalGeophysical Research Letters
    Issue number22
    Pages (from-to)3607-3610
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2000


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