Project Details


The World Ocean Circulation project focuses on the reconstruction of upper ocean ocean processes in several regions for direct utilization by end users. 

Four themes are addressed:

Theme 1: Sea state interactions for safe navigation Surface current, wind sea and swell, freak waves, crossing seas, wave-current interaction, icebergs (users Navtor, CMA-CMG, MeteoFrance).

Theme 2: 3D currents and vertical motion for sustainable fisheries Total 3D currents, current vectors, T/S fields (users SOCIB, DTU).

Theme 3: Surface Lagrangian drift and clean ocean Total surface current, Ekman currents, Stokes drift, upper layer (100 m) currents (users ITOPF, MeteoFrance, CICESE).

Theme 4: High resolution wave and current model assessment Total currents, tidal currents, turbulence intensity, wave fields, climatology of currents and waves (users HERIOT WATT, France Energies Marine).

National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua
OceanDataLab, France (coordinator)
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer, France
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain

The project is funded by EU Copernicus.

Research area: Observation Technology
Research area: Oceanography
Effective start/end date01/05/202030/06/2022


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