Wind Farm Layout Optimization in Complex Terrain

    Project Details


    The overall objective of the project is to develop and provide new reliable tools for designing wind farms located in complex terrain through full scale measurements in wind farms. For wind farms located in flat terrain, the performance of the wind turbines is significantly influenced by the upstream wind turbines and slightly influenced by the ground. For wind farms located in complex terrain the ground effects are relatively more pronounced, as such effects may bend the wakes created by the upstream turbines significantly. The goal of the present Sino-Danish project is to further develop Danish wind farm technology by using measured wind farm data from complex terrain wind farms in China, which is convenient, as Denmark does not have complex terrain that can be used for developing/validating such technology. To improve the wind turbines’ performance within wind farms in complex terrain, there are basically three important steps: (1) develop reliable CFD tools for predicting flow in complex terrain with and without wind turbines; (2) develop simplified flow models for predicting wind turbine performance in complex terrain; and (3) design high efficiency wind turbine parks in complex terrain.
    Effective start/end date01/04/201431/12/2017

    Collaborative partners


    • Wind Farms


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