Project Details


Production of renewable wind energy at sea is steadily expanding in Denmark and globally, contributing ocean solutions to climate change. However, as marine wind farms (WF) occupy vast marine areas, it is imperative that windfarm developers engage in solutions to alleviate the pressure on marine space and resources and contribute to ocean resilience strategies by addressing negative anthropogenic impacts. WIN@sea will, at a Danish WF, develop and demonstrate a visionary marine Multi-Use Platform (MUP) concept where renewable energy production is coupled with Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for strengthening the resilience of marine ecosystems, mitigating climate change, supporting sustainable production of marine bio-resources, while boosting the public awareness of the importance, complexity and beauty of the sea. Development of concepts and solutions will be aligned with and feed into future management strategies via an active advisory board consisting of key authorities and stakeholders.

The project is funded by Velux Foundation and by Aage V. Jensens Fonde.

Research area: Coastal Ecology
Research area: Freshwater Fisheries and Ecology
Effective start/end date01/01/202331/12/2026

Collaborative partners


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