Triple-Conducting Electrocatalysts Enabling Miniaturized Solid Oxide Fuel Cells to Power Internet of Things

  • Chen, Yunzhong (PI)

Project Details


In this proposal, we aim to identify new catalysts which conduct electrons/holes, oxygen ions and protons. Such triple-conducting catalysts can be used for cathodes of proton-conducting SOFCs (PCFCs). The project combines experimental and theoretical studies with a novel design principle for catalysts.

Key findings

A groundbreaking fuel cell with a high power density up to 500 mW/cm2 at 400 °C is targeted.
Short titleOxide Interface Electrocatalysts by Design
Acronym Triple-CAT
Effective start/end date02/09/201931/12/2021

Collaborative partners


  • Oxide Interfaces
  • Electrocatalysts


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