Transport and Degradation of Specific Organic Compounds in Groundwater at Grindsted Old Landfill

  • Engesgaard, Peter Knudegaard (Project Manager)
  • Rosbjerg, Dan (Project Participant)
  • Juul Petersen, Michael (Project Participant)
  • Pedersen, Jørn Kristian (Project Participant)
  • Bjerg, Poul Løgstrup (Project Participant)
  • Rügge, Kirsten (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The aim of the project is to analyze transport and degradation of organic compounds at two spatial scales: Simulation of an injection experiment focusing on degradation of specific organic compounds in the anaerobic part of the landfill plume and degradation of dissolved organic carbon (TOC) and xenobiotic compounds in the sequence of redox zones in the landfill plumes.
    Ph.D. study by Michael Juul Petersen, ISVA. Funded by the Technical University of Denmark and the Groundwater Research Centre, Technical University of Denmark.
    Effective start/end date01/04/199631/03/1999


    • Unknown


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