Transfer of technology and technological capacity in developing countries - an interactive distance learning programme linking social sciences and field experience

  • Wangel, Arne (Project Manager)

    Project Details


    The objectives of the project are:
    1. to transform two social science courses about international technology transfer and developing socieities offered at the Technical University of Denmark, to become an in-service training course conducted as a distance learning programme for engineers employed at projects in developing and Eastern European countries for extended periods, and for other professionals involved in international development co-operation and development research.
    2. to create a tele-based teaching and tuition system for engineering students at the Technical University of Denmark, as they carry out individual assignments, such as final-year projects and Ph.D. projects, which includes an extended period of field study overseas.
    Effective start/end date01/02/199631/12/1998


    • Unknown


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