Systems/SCOOP (Semiconductor COmponents for Optical signal Processing)

  • Poulsen, Henrik Nørskov (Project Manager)
  • Oxenlowe, L.K. (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The SCOOP project has the goal of developing novel semiconductor devices for ultrafast optical signal
    processing in broadband optical networks. The activity in the systems area has to characterise and test the fabricated components in a systems contents.
    The characterisation of the different devices types fabricated will give important feedback to the design and fabrication process, enabling the optimisation of the design/fabricated phase for the components emerging from SCOOP. The components decided to be realised and tested within the framework program are electro-absorption modulators for demultiplexing of OTDM signals and wavelength conversion, lasers for short pulse generation and the very versatile interferometric structures (Michelson and Mach-Zehnder), capable of performing a number of complex signal processing task in the optical domain.
    The realisation and selection of the components will pave the road for system experiments at bit rates up to 160 Gbit/s, both using one wavelength channel (160 Gbit/s) and WDM (Nx40 Gbit/s).
    To obtain the above, a number of goals have been stated the systems characterisation workpackage for the components emerging:
    - Component characterisation for all-optical demux ad wavelength conversion units.
    - Selection of lasers for short pulse sources giving short pulses (2-3 ps) at high repetition rates (10-20 GHz).
    - Test of fabricated components for feedback to the design/fabrication phase.
    - System experiments with the optimised components at 40, 80 and 160 Gbit/s.
    Effective start/end date01/01/199831/12/2002

    Collaborative partners


    • Unknown


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