Project Details


The project “Survey of existing Bio-Economic Models (S12.507729)” is an EU Lot-5 project under studies for carrying out the common fisheries policy (No MARE/200707 Lot5) which reviews and evaluates a long row of the most important European bio-economic fisheries evaluation models. In particular the models reviewed are: EIAA, TEMAS, MOSES, BEMMFISH, BIRDMOD (Including Aladym), MEFISTO, AHF, EMMFID, SRRMCF, COBAS, ECOCORP, ECONMULT and FLR under EFIMAS. The review is done in two parts. Firstly a revision framework based on some specific and general tables is created in order to facilitate the comparison as well as the selection of the model for completing a specific task. Secondly a report of each model including model generalities, specific issues and implementation details, is produced. The structure of the review as well as the revision framework is based on the existing literature (reports and scientific papers including EFIMAS ECOKNOWS work and platforms), and after a feedback process among the group.

BEMs are used to understand the feedback between human activity and natural resources. When a model is built initial attention must be given to the fishery management problem. The simulation of fisherman behavior is not extensively included in the models. A trade-off between simplicity and usefulness emerges when integrated models are used. New research questions will stimulate the development of new models. The lessons learned from a review of thirteen existing European bio-economic models used in the evaluation of EU policies are produced. How these models compare and differ in terms of their biological and economic components, the integration between the components, which indicators are selected and how they are used, are described and analyzed. The publications from the project conclude that the multitude of construction differences reflects the necessity of adapting the modelling approach to answer different questions. Since real life questions in fisheries are so diverse, answering them requires a diversity of models.

The project has built further on the networks and platforms produced under EU FP6 EFIMAS Project coordinated by DTU Aqua, including the EFIMAS ECOKNOWS (Economist Knowledge System). The DTU Aqua team associated to the project has produced 1 peer reviewed journal paper, 1 conference proceeding and a consolidated report under the Lot5 project.

The project is coordinated by Marine and Food Technological Centre (AZTI), Spain.

Research area: Fisheries Management
Effective start/end date01/01/200831/12/2010

Collaborative partners

  • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
  • Istituto Ricerche Economiche Pesa e Aquacoltura (Project partner)
  • Wageningen University & Research (Project partner)
  • AZTI (Project partner)
  • University of Copenhagen (Project partner)
  • Cefas Weymouth Laboratory (Project partner)


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