Supporting veterinary measures (Vetløsninger) (39362)

Project Details


The project is a collaboration between the Danish Aquaculture Association, DTU Aqua, DTU Vet and KU SUND with the help of practicing fish veterinarians, Aquapri and several trout and shellfish farmers.

The project addresses three specific veterinary issues in Danish aquaculture:
-Skin disorders in rainbow trout.
-Water quality and the importance of microparticles for breeding fish in RAS.
-The importance of the parasite Bonamia ostreae for oyster farming in the Limfjord.

National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua
Danish Aquaculture Association, Denmark (coordinator)
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The project is funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and the Danish Fisheries Agency.

Research area: Aquaculture
Research area: Fish and Shellfish Diseases
Effective start/end date01/01/201731/12/2018


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