Project Details
The goal of this postdoctoral project is to build a novel light-emitting diode (LED) based on quantum dot (QD) emitters. LEDs have the potential to replace incandescent and fluorescent light sources, but contemporary technology and theory limit the achievable performance. A major bottleneck in present-day LED technology is the weak light matter interaction strength and hence low brightness (number of emitted photons per second) of the active semiconductor material, which can lead to undesirable energy loss in the form of heat. QDs can improve this situation because the light-matter interaction strength can be enhanced by increasing the QD size. In fact, by coengineering the quantum dot geometry and the surrounding nanostructure it is possible to enhance the light-matter interaction strength even further. The prospects of such co-engineering were discovered theoretically by the applicant during his doctoral studies and it is the purpose of this project to investigate this effect experimentally and to demonstrate a QD-LED utilizing these effects.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 01/06/2010 → 31/05/2013 |
- Forskningsrådene - Andre
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