Study of semiconductor devices for ultrafast all-optical signal processing

  • Kawaguchi, Hitoshi (Project Manager)
  • Takahashi, Yutaka (Project Participant)
  • Katayama, Tateo (Project Participant)
  • Mork, Jesper (Project Participant)
  • Bischoff, Svend (Project Participant)
  • White, Ian H. (Project Participant)
  • Sukhoivanov, I. A. (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The purpose of the project is to develop models for the study of four-wave mixing and propagation effects in semiconductor optical amplifiers and the use of these to investigate topics that are related to the application of four-wave mixing in functional devices. In particular, it is interesting to explore the use of four-wave mixing for large detunings. Under such conditions the FWM process can be used for nearly transparent switching of signals with large bandwidth and my be important for many optical signal processing applications. However, the efficiency may be quite low and one is therefore led to the use of strong optical pulses. These conditions - large detuning and high power - put strong demands on the theoretical models. In particular, it becomes important to include the effects of ultrafast gain and index dynamics; such as carrier heating and spectral holeburning. The work will be based om already existing models, but these will be extended to match the experimental conditions of very short and possibly non-transform limited pulses. In particular it will be of interest to understand in detail the delay-time dependence of short pulses interacting via FWM.
    Effective start/end date01/01/200231/12/2003

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • University of Cambridge (Project partner)
    • Yamagata University (Project partner)
    • Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics (Project partner)


    • Forsk. Andre offentlige og private - Udenlandske


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