Study into European Research and Education Networking as Targeted by eEurope

  • Skouby, Knud Erik (Project Participant)
  • Henten, Anders (Project Participant)
  • Christensen, Dan Saugstrup (Project Participant)
  • Milne, Claire (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The Serenate project has the broad aim of providing inputs to the European Commission on initiatives that could help to keep the evolution of the European research network at the forefront of world-wide development, and enhance the competitiveness of the European research area. Specifically the Serenate project aims to develop cost estimates for networking scenarios outlined in the eEurope Action Plan. The results of the Serenate project studies will provide important inputs to the policy making of the European Commission, national governments and funding bodies, management of research and education institutions, and research and education networking organizations, helping them to develop their strategies for the coming years. The project will address certain strategic aspects that are of crucial importance for the development of European research networks to 100 Gb/s and beyond. The current situation is that national research and education networks and the wider European research networking community are at the forefront of technological developments. While much of the history of European research networking over the past two decades was characterized by the need to keep up with developments in North America, currently Europe has a leading position in many aspects of networking. In the past three years, Europe has taken up the challenge of Gigabit networking. Gigabit networks are being implemented by a number of national research and education networking organizations, and in other countries plans for such networks are being developed. At the European level, the GÈANT interconnect network is a significant step forward, offering a wide coverage of 2.5 Gb/s capacity and early introduction of 10 Gb/s in part of the network. Furthermore it is likely that the GÈANT network in the future will deploy some links with speeds at or above 100 Gb/s. The Serenate project contributes to achieving these networking goals by investigating the strategic aspects of the development of high-speed networks, looking into technical, organizational and financial aspects, the market conditions and regulatory environment. The following papers have been published in relation to the SERENATE project and can be found under publications/working papers Deliverable 3: Report on the experience of various communities that have experimented with ”alternative” models of infrastructures Deliverable 7: Report on the expected development of the regulatory situation in European countries relevant for the SERENATE project Deliverable 13: Report on the expected evolution of international connectivity in Europe and to other continents over the next five years
    Effective start/end date01/05/200231/12/2003


    • Forsk. EU - Rammeprogram


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