Project Details


DiscardLess will help provide the knowledge, tools and technologies as well as the involvement of the stakeholders to achieve the gradual elimination of discarding. These will be integrated into Discard Mitigation Strategies (DMS) proposing cost-effective solutions at all stages of the seafood supply chain.

National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua (coordinator)
There were additional 30 partners in the project. Please refer to for full information.

This project was funded by EU, Horizon2020.

Research area: Fisheries Management
Research area: Population Genetics
Research area: Fisheries Technology
Research area: Ecosystem based Marine Management
Effective start/end date01/03/201528/02/2019

Collaborative partners

  • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
  • Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (Project partner)
  • AlphaFilm (Project partner)
  • Marine Institute (Project partner)
  • Marine Scotland Science (Project partner)
  • University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway (Project partner)
  • Cefas Weymouth Laboratory (Project partner)
  • TRACE Wildlife Forensics Network Limited (Project partner)
  • Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (Project partner)
  • NAYS Ltd (Project partner)
  • Irish Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources (Project partner)
  • University of Bergen (Project partner)
  • Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Project partner)
  • Matís (Project partner)
  • FishFix (Project partner)
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland (Project partner)
  • University of the Azores (Project partner)
  • University of Strathclyde (Project partner)
  • Pôle AQUIMER (Project partner)
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Project partner)
  • Simrad Spain SLU (Project partner)
  • Barna Group (Project partner)
  • L'Institut Agro (Project partner)
  • Hampiðjan Group (Project partner)
  • University of Copenhagen (Project partner)
  • Nuscience Group (Project partner)
  • SafetyNet Technologies LTD (Project partner)
  • Marel hf (Project partner)
  • Sea Fish Industry Authority (Project partner)
  • ShipCon (Project partner)
  • AZTI (Project partner)


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