Silicon carbide based quantum photonic integrated circuit

Project Details


Silicon carbide (SiC) is emerging as attractive material platform for photonic integrated circuits for the past decade because of its excellent optical properties such as wide bandgap, high second and third-order nonlinearities, and stable color centers at room temperature. Benefitting from the advances of material growth and the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor compatible waferscale processing, this project will integrate color centers into a high quality factor optical cavity in SiC on insulator (SiCOI) stacks. This novel single photon source will have high efficiency, high indistinguishability and operate at room temperature and telecommunication wavelength range with good scalability, which hasn’t been realized by its three counterparts: color centers in diamond, III-V quantum dots, and quantum dots in two -dimensional materials. The competences on fluorescent SiC study and nanofabrication of SiOI platform already built by the team place them at a leading position.
Short titleSiC-Q-PIC
Effective start/end date01/10/202330/09/2026

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