Robust management procedures and advice for data limited stocks (39804/104036)

Project Details


The main project objectives are (i) to collate, review, rank and develop guidelines about the state-of-the-art management procedures (assessment methods and harvest control rules), (ii) to provide improvements to assessment methods and alternatives to age-based assessments, (iii) to provide new (or improve existing) quantitative assessments of selected fish stocks, and (iv) to disseminate to the scientific and management advisory community.

The project aims to review and develop guidelines on data limited assessment methods, improve assessment methods, provide robust and sustainable assessments for selected stocks and propose the new assessments in ICES WGs to be considered as basis for the advice.

The main outputs of the project include significant fish stock assessment method development and guidelines of data-limited assessments relevant to a global audience. These are expected to be rapidly included in the management process of ICES. Furthermore, it will provide state-of-the-art assessments and robust management advice for selected data-limited stocks of high commercial and ecological importance to Danish and EU fisheries.

After completion of the project, guidelines and new or updated assessment methods together with open-source software implementations (R packages and web-based applications) will be made available for the assessment of data-limited stock within ICES and globally. The project main findings will be submitted for publication in peer reviewed scientific journals and all project results will be summarised in the final scientific DTU Aqua report.
The project is funded by European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and the Danish Fisheries Agency. 

Research area: Fisheries Management
Effective start/end date07/08/202007/08/2022


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