Resource effective multi-extraction of sustainable high-value compounds from shrimp production side-stream

Project Details


Globally 6-8 M tons of shrimp side-stream is produced per year; a raw material
not used to its full potential. This side-stream contains high value compounds,
however, despite many lab scale researches, no economically feasible upscaled
production to extract more than one compound has been established yet.
ReMeSS unites the whole value chain from the shrimp peeling industry (Launis)
through producers of ingredients (Danish Fish Protein), process equipment
(HHC), and final products for the food and health food industry
(Health Nordica), to marketing and sales of products at pharmacies
(Apotekernes A.m.b.a), together with the trade organisation for health food
(Helsebranchens Leverandørforening) and research within food technology
(DTU Food) in a joint effort to address this challenge. ReMeSS aims to separate
and extract a cascade of valuable compounds focusing on a flavour product and
marine-based calcium and collagen. Extraction of other compounds such as
astaxanthin-, chitin-, chitosan-, lipid- and peptide-rich fractions will be
assessed in lab scale regarding their potential to increase value of the sidestream.
Production of all these compounds will be scaled up to large scale, and
includes building a new filter press designed for shrimp side-stream. ReMeSS
will turn the side-stream of shrimp production from waste to sustainable and
valuable compounds, such as organic calcium and collagen from a yet
unutilized source, considering the food value chain.
This is a grand solution project supported by Innovation Fund Denmark

Key findings

Marine-based calcium and collagen extracted from shrimp side-stream
Short titleReMeSS
Effective start/end date01/04/202131/03/2024

Collaborative partners


  • shrimp
  • side-stream
  • calcium
  • collagen
  • extraction
  • astaxanthin
  • chitin
  • chitosan
  • lipid
  • peptides


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