Railway Capacity

  • Kaas, Anders H. (Project Manager)
  • Rallis, Tom A (Project Participant)
  • Jørgensen, N O (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The mainsubject of the Ph.D-project is to calculate capacity of railwaysections and -network.
    The researches included important parameters as different signalsystems, trainspeed, infrastructure and scheduling planning.
    The theoretical queueing theory will be used to calculate the capacity of a railway system.
    A model for strategic railway planning will be developed in co-operation with the consulting firm TetraPlan ApS.
    The Ph.D-project is organized in a group with members of The Danish State Railways, The Danish Transport Council, The Danish Ministry of Transport and DTU (Dr.Tech Tom Rallis and Prof. N. O. Jørgensen).
    Effective start/end date01/04/199531/03/1998

    Collaborative partners


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