Quantum dot structures enabling light slow-down and amplification

  • Mork, Jesper (Project Manager)
  • Hvam, Jørn Marcher (Project Participant)
  • Yvind, Kresten (Project Participant)
  • Poel, Mike van der (Project Participant)
  • Hansen, Per Lunnemann (Project Participant)
  • Willatzen, Morten (Project Participant)
  • Kamath, Hemant (Project Manager)
  • Wang, Linxiang (Project Participant)
  • Jauho, Antti-Pekka (Project Participant)
  • Houmark-Nielsen, Jakob (Project Participant)

Project Details


QUEST is a research project exploring the use of semiconductor quantum dot technology for realizing practical slow-light devices and integrated optical amplifiers. Such devices find important applications within information, communication and sensor technology and the project targets practical demonstrations within these areas, leading to possibilities of commercial exploitation. From a wider perspective, the proposed project contributes to the ongoing evolution of the information society. The project brings together three groups from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) with strong and complementary research experience.
Effective start/end date01/01/200630/06/2012

Collaborative partners


  • Statens Teknisk Videnskabelige Forskningsråd


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