
  • Olsen, Flemming Ove (Project Manager)
  • Bagger, Claus (Project Manager)
  • Gong, Hui (Project Participant)
  • Nielsen, Jakob Skov (Project Participant)
  • Storm, Søren (Project Participant)
  • Gregersen, Johan Chr. (Project Participant)
  • Mørkhøj, Jesper (Project Participant)
  • Person, Unknown (Project Participant)
  • Person, Unknown (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The project is realised in collaboration with Prima Industrie in Italy and Optis in France. The objective of the project is to develop and validate technology for integrated, modular, high power laser systems for thick section cutting (up to 20 mm) of complex 2D and 3D parts. Beside of this, innovative sensors and control systems are being developed for detecting and controlling anormalies in the laser cutting process as well as the position and size of a CO2 laser beam.
    Effective start/end date01/10/199801/05/2003

    Collaborative partners


    • Forskningsprojekter - Erhvervsministeriet


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