PLEAN - A Lean method to asses the psychosocial work environment

  • Starheim, Liv (Project Participant)
  • Jensen, Per Langaa (Project Participant)
  • Weller, Tina (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    Improvements of the psycho social working environment are commonly initiated in workplaces based on results from employee questionnaires. The results from the questionnaires should address the possible solutions and programs following the pin pointed problems. However, more frequently the members of the workplace cannot draw these kinds of conclusions about actions from the information gathered in questionnaire, but are left with the problem areas and, without the knowledge of the impact of the problems and coherent solutions.

    This interventions project aims at developing a work environment assessment tool based on the workflow analysis in Lean. The close connection between the description and analysis of the flow of task and the assessment of the experienced psycho social work environment suggests improvements closed connected to conducting the core task. In this view, improved psychosocial work environment is closely linked to high performance and the coordination around performing the core task.

    The tool is to be developed and tested in 6 hospital wards.
    Effective start/end date01/09/201331/08/2015

    Collaborative partners


    • Assesment psycho-social worling environment, relational koordination, health care, lean, project management, workshop method, intervention in psycho social work environment, intervention research,


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