Ph.d. project, Henriette Understrup: AC applications for high temperature superconductors

  • Tønnesen, Ole (Project Manager)
  • Pinholt, Henriette Understrup (Project Participant)
  • Vase, Per (Project Participant)
  • Jensen, Henrik Jeltoft (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The project is an industrial ph.d. education supported by the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences. The partners in the project are: Industry:Dr.Per Vase, NKT Research Center, University:Prof. Ole Tønnesen,Department of Electrical Power Engineering,Technical University of Denmark and 3. part:Dr. Henrik Jeltoft Jensen Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London.
    The scientific goal of the project is to establish a thorough understanding of the loss mechanisms in superconducting BSCCO2223 silver tapes and cable configurations made of these tapes. The loss models are verified experimentally.
    Reliable measurement methods for measuring AC losses are developed.
    Effective start/end date01/03/199601/09/1998

    Collaborative partners


    • Unknown


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