Phase diagram of TiO2

  • Gerward, Leif (Project Manager)
  • Jiang, Jianzhong (Project Participant)
  • Olsen, J. Staun (Project Participant)

Project Details


Experimental and theoretical calculations recently indicated that TiO2 could have a series of high-pressure phases with a hardness possibly approaching that of a diamond. The high-pressure, high-temperature phase equilibria have been studied [1] with special emphasis on the rutile alpha-PbO2 type phases. It is found that the phase boundary, when plotted in a pressure - temperature diagram, changes from negative to positive slope with increasing temperature at about 6 GPa and 850 C. For nanophase material, the phase boundary is shifted towards lower pressure. The room-temperature bulk moduli are 210, 258 and 290 GPa for rutile, the alpha-PbO2 type phase and the baddeleyite type phase, respectively.
Effective start/end date01/01/199831/12/2000

Collaborative partners


  • Unknown


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