Passive Control of Structures under Seismic Load

  • Dyrbye, Claes (Project Manager)
  • Mualla, Imad H (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The project is part of the ph.d. study for Imad Mualla.
    In recent years a number of studies on application of damping devices for the dynamic protection of new buildings or retrofitting of existing ones have demonstrated conclusively that such devices can markedly reduce vibrations. These mechanical devices are added to the structure and they extract energy from the structure. The means by which energy is dissipated is e.g. by yielding of mild steel, sliding friction, or motion of a piston within viscous fluid.
    The objective of using energy dissipation devices in earthquake engineering is to dissipate earthquake-induced energy in a structure in devices designed especially for this purpose, and to minimize the energy dissipation demand on, and thus inelastic action in, primary structural members such as beams, columns, or walls. By controlling response in this way, structural and non-structural damage is reduced.
    The object of this study is to develop a new damping device for seismic loaded structures.
    The study of the dynamic behaviour of structures with damping devices under dynamic loading relies upon a numerical solution of non-linear differential equations. This non-linearity arises from Coulomb representation of the friction forces, or yielding of metallic elements.
    In the mathematical formulations, the force - displacement relationship for the damping device, will be represented by an elastic - plastic hysteretic model.
    The literature on dampers has been studied thoroughly. Simplified versions which clearly illustrate their behavior are designed for some few types. As the dampers are intended to give protection against earthquakes, it is necessary that they remain reliable for decades. Therefore, they should be simple to maintain and to adjust, if necessary.
    Effective start/end date01/01/1996 → …


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