Optoelectronic integration technologies

  • Yvind, Kresten (Project Manager)
  • Larsson, David (Project Participant)
  • Mork, Jesper (Project Participant)
  • Hvam, Jørn Marcher (Project Participant)
  • Greibe, Tine (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The project falls in two stages. First a reliable process has to be set up using the new compound semiconductor processing equipment, such that isolated "standard components" can be fabricated. This will also include grating fabrication using a newly installed e-beam writer. The focus will be components for high-speed optical communication systems in the 1.55mm wavelength range thus employing InGaAsP on InP. Next, when the growth apparatus (Emcore D125) has been installed, integration of mode-locked lasers with signal processing devices will be performed.
    Effective start/end date01/08/200431/07/2006


    • Statens Teknisk Videnskabelige Forskningsråd


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