Optimum Structural Design of Ships made from Advanced Fibre Reinforced Plastic Materials

  • Baatrup, Jan (Project Manager)
  • Verdier, Guillaume Henry C. (Project Participant)
  • Jensen, Jørgen Juncher (Project Participant)
  • Andersen, Michael Rye (Project Participant)
  • Riber, Hans Jørgen (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The objective of the project is the development of improved and integrated design procedures on the basis of refined analytical models, results from experiments and comparison of static strength with long-term behaviour under fatigue loading.
    The scope of the project will be such as to cover stiffened plate panels forming the midship or strength section of the ship, joints between bulkheads and shell plating, joints between stiffeners and plates, static/fatigue performance and single-skin and sandwich topplogies.
    Effective start/end date01/10/199430/09/1997

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • National Autonomous University of Mexico (Project partner)
    • Technical University of Lisbon (Project partner)
    • University of Southampton (Project partner)
    • University of Hamburg (Project partner)


    • Unknown


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