Ocean Biological Information Service (OCEBIS) (39448)

Project Details


Despite an overall success and popularity of CMEMS oceanographic services, CMEMS products are currently underutilized in some areas of benefit, e.g. marine spatial planning (MSP) from coastal and marine environment and fishery from marine environment, as well as fishery science involved with fishery management for two major reasons:1. The CMEMS portal (or linked downstream services) does not currently offer derived map layers of explanatory variables that allows to forecast where fish and other marine organisms aggregate in relation to oceanographic cues.
2. Data downloaded from CMEMS services are not straightforward to import into other data processing frameworks originating outside hydrographic modelling communities.

Identifying and addressing these two issues above leads us to propose the following demonstration components derived from an existing service provided by the DTU Aqua:
1. An operational real-time web service that post maps of a selected sets of explanatory variables potentially important for anticipating fish aggregations and fish migration patterns, based on both hindcast, analysis and forecast products.
2. Object-oriented generic software components distributed under open-source conditions relying on open, free and popular platforms which supplement current available tools for postprocessing CMEMS products.

The project is funded by EU Copernicus.

Research area: Marine Living Resources
Effective start/end date01/04/201701/10/2020


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