Non-Linear Wave Response Predictions in Stochastic Seaways

  • Jensen, Jørgen Juncher (Project Manager)
  • Pedersen, Tommy (Project Participant)
  • Wang, Zhaohui (Project Participant)
  • Kristensen, Mette Kramer (Project Participant)
  • Xia, Jinzhu (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    Methods for predicting stochastic wave load responses in ships and offshore structures are developed. The methods
    take into account the dynamic behaviour of the structures and at least some of the non-linearities in the wave induced
    loadings. Numerical results obtained for actual structures are presented with special emphasis on their usefulness in
    design procedures covering both extreme responses and fatigue damage predictions.
    Effective start/end date01/01/1979 → …

    Collaborative partners


    • Unknown


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