NECER (Network of European Centrifuges for Environmental Research)

  • Fuglsang, Leif D (Project Manager)
  • Bagge, Gunnar (Project Participant)
  • GARNIER, Jacques (Project Participant)
  • Taylor, N. (Project Participant)
  • Bolton, M. D. (Project Participant)
  • Weststrate, F.A. (Project Participant)
  • Peano, A. (Project Participant)
  • Silva, M.A.G. (Project Participant)
  • Merrifield, C. (Project Participant)
  • König, D. (Project Participant)
  • Allersma, H.G.B. (Project Participant)
  • Davies, M.C.R. (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    Development of centrifuge Physical Models in the field of Environmental Geotechnics
    The main objective of the programme is to develop the capabilities of centrifuge modelling in environmental geotechnics and to assess its limits. Three basic tasks have been selected as scientific programme:
    Task A- Development of measuring and observation devices for detection of contaminant migration. This task would cover the selection of markers to simulate pollutants, the development and assessment of miniature probes for their detection, and the investigation of numerical image processing for monitoring of contaminant migration in two-dimensional problems.
    Task B- Assessment of problems of pollutant transport in non-saturated soils. This task would deal with identification of scaling laws and similitude requirements and would include reference tests for cross testing in order to evaluate the reproducibility of simple problems within the areas of saturated and non-saturated soil conditions.
    Task C- Cracking and faulting of saturated clay barriers and liners in relation with transport of contaminants. This task would represent attempts to consider engineering applications where cracks and faults (either naturally present or induced) may affect the efficiency of clay barriers or liners concerning pollution containment. Effect of coupling between flow of contaminants and deformation of the solid matrix could be included in the analysis.
    The project is described in the following web-page:
    Effective start/end date01/09/199631/05/2001

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • University of Wales (Project partner)
    • City, University of London (Project partner)
    • University of Manchester (Project partner)
    • Delft University of Technology (Project partner)
    • Istituto Sperimentale Modelli E Strutture (Project partner)
    • Delft Geotechnics (Project partner)
    • University of Cambridge (Project partner)
    • National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (Project partner)
    • Ruhr University Bochum (Project partner)
    • Laboratoire central des ponts et chaussées (Project partner)


    • Unknown


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