Natural attenuation as remediation of landfill leachate plumes.

  • Foverskov, Anja (Project Participant)
  • Baun, Anders (Project Participant)
  • Ledin, Anna (Project Participant)
  • Troelsen, Lena Birgit Dalskov (Project Participant)
  • Nyholm, Niels (Project Participant)
  • Bjerg, Poul Løgstrup (Project Participant)
  • Kruse, Susanne (Project Participant)
  • Christensen, Thomas Højlund (Project Manager)
  • Nilsson, Torben (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    Natural attenuation as a remediation technology is being considered for landfill leachate plumes. The demonstration of mass removal of target pollutants by natural remediation and the evaluation of residual risk is somewhat more complicated than the approaches and protocols used in the context of petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated aliphatic compounds. The difference relates to the size of the source term and its influence on local hydrogeology,k the mixture of pollutants and general organic matter and the often unidentified toxicity of the leachate. Based on the extensive research results described under "landfills" a conceptual model for natural attenuation at landfills is being developed.
    Effective start/end date01/01/199731/12/2000


    • Unknown


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