Project Details


The main task of the Working Group was to provide MISTRA’s Board with background information for its upcoming decision on whether the foundation should invest or not in aquaculture research. MISTRA is a Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research.

The Working Group should
- describe current Swedish aquaculture research and perform a state of the art review putting Swedish research in an international context,
- make an overview of Swedish aquaculture industry in a global context,
- briefly compare aquaculture to other food production systems,
- briefly discuss the bottlenecks for Swedish aquaculture development,
- critically analyse the arguments for why MISTRA should invest in aquaculture research (cf. MISTRA’s statutes),
- suggest scope and focus of a new MISTRA research initiative (if recommended).

The project was coordinated by DTU Aqua and funded by Swedish Environmental Strategic Research Foundation MISTRA.

Research area: Aquaculture
Effective start/end date01/08/201231/03/2013

Collaborative partners


  • Research area: Aquaculture


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