Mechanistic approach to ocean ecology (39427/106380)

Project Details


The overarching goal of the proposed research is to develop a mechanistically underpinned, trait-based model of marine plankton ecosystems ranging across multiple trophic levels from bacteria to zooplankton. The rationale and methods and rooted in the trait-based approach developed by the Centre for Ocean Life. Zooplankton has a key role in the model, and the themes guiding model design are trait biogeography (i.e., spatio-temporal distributions of traits) and vertical material fluxes and carbon sequestration.

The work will be organized in four interlinked work packages (WPs), each guided by a particular research question. All models will be implemented in a physical setting, and WPs 1-3 represent an increasing degree of complexity from unicellular plankton in a 0D environment toward a full size-based model in 2D environment. WP1 and 2 develop the unicellular and multicellular components, WP3 the full size based model, and WP4 sets up the model for the California Current system and tests the model against field observations collected by the Zooglider and through the CalCOFI monitoring program.

National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua (coordinator)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA

The project is funded by Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

Research area: Oceanography
Research area: Marine Populations and Ecosystem Dynamics
Effective start/end date01/01/201731/12/2022

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