MarinePlastic – Danish center for research in marine plastic pollution (39598/106075)

Project Details


MarinePlastic is an interdisciplinary center for cutting-edge research into marine plastic pollution, uniting Danish researchers across institutions and disciplinary expertise. The center will develop scientifically based understanding of the types, sources, occurrence, fate and environmental consequences of marine pollution caused by all sizes of plastic materials ranging from macro- to nanoplastics, and bring this knowledge into use by proposing societal solutions and interacting with policymakers.

DTU Aqua's work is primarily related to WP5. The scope of WP5 is to improve the knowledge concerning the mechanisms and potential effects of uptake of MPs in marine food webs by investigating uptake processes, translocation into tissues and effects on organisms, populations and communities. In addition, an understanding of, to what degree, MP particles are capable of crossing the gut membrane into the tissue is of relevance for trophic transfer in general - and for human exposure through consumption of seafood in particular.

National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua
Aalborg University, Denmark (coordinator) 
Aarhus University, Denmark
National Museum of Denmark
Roskilde University, Denmark

The project is funded by Velux Foundation.

Research area: Oceanography
Effective start/end date02/01/201931/12/2022


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