Mapping of coastal fisheries and reef monitoring in Danish waters (KORTFISK) (39701)

Project Details


The project has two main components:

1) Mapping of coastal fisheries using electronic tracking technology (black box technology).

The goal is to document important fishing areas utilized by Danish fishers. The documentation will be available for the fishers when non-fishing industrial activities are planned in the particular marine areas. The non-fishing industrial activities could be dumping of sediment, dredging or offshore wind farms.
The technology is tracking both fishing vessel GPS coordinates and the activity of fishing equipment onboard the fishing vessel. The project is targeting small scale fisheries (vessel length less than 17 m). Fishers sign up for the monitoring voluntarily. The project is carried out in close collaboration with fisheries organizations in Denmark.

2) Monitoring of restored coastal reefs using underwater cameras. The goal is to document the effects of reef restoration carried out in Danish waters since 2017. Various types of rocky reefs have been deployed to benefit both marine biodiversity and local fisheries. Using a before-after-control-impact (BACI) approach, changes in marine communities following the reef restoration are uncovered.

National Institute of Aquatic Resources, DTU Aqua (coordinator)
Foreningen for Skånsomt Kystfiskeri Producent Organisation, Denmark
Danish Fishermen Producer Organisation, Denmark 

The project is funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the Danish Fisheries Agency. 

Research area: Coastal Ecology
Research area: Ecosystem based Marine Management
Research area: Marine Living Resources
Effective start/end date01/10/202001/10/2022


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