Low-cost High Performance Thermoelectric Materials and Modules for High-temperature Waste Heat Harvesting

  • Van Nong, Ngo (Project Coordinator)

Project Details


The main purpose of this new network is to establish scientific collaboration
between researchers at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) with researchers
from the Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology (KICET) and National
Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan.
This network activity is expected to enhance the core competences for both the
Danish and international partners. Specific goals are: (I) to identify the major
obstacles that hinder thermoelectric technology to move into the market, i.e. high
performance and long-term stability of thermoelectric materials and devices under
field conditions; (II) to establish a strong network between DTU, KICET, and NIMS
to attract academic and industrial partners to support these activities by future
funding. These goals will be supported by the visit of leading research scientists
from Denmark, South Korea, and Japan in combination with participation in
international conferences, seminars and a specifically organized workshop
Effective start/end date01/01/201831/12/2018


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