Long-lived radioisotopes (Sr, Nd and U-Th) as tracers for exogene geochemical processes.

  • Ledin, Anna (Project Manager)

    Project Details


    The objective of this project in to improve the understanding of element transport from the continets to the oceans by using radioisotpoes of Sr and Nd.Suspended particles, colloidal size fractions and truly dissolved material in oxic and anoxic brackish water, comprising a vertical profile in the central baltic Sea will be samples in 1997. Colloid concentration and size distribution will be measured by photon correlation spectroscopy. The separation og colloida in different size classes will be done by ultralfiltration.

    The brackish water data, compared with freshwater data, will be used to model the importance of particles and colloids for in freshwater-estuarine systems for element transport in general, and for the element transport in the Baltic Sea in oarticular.
    The project is financed by the Swedish Natural Research Council and the grants are administrated by Per Andersson at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
    Effective start/end date01/01/199731/12/2001

    Collaborative partners


    • Unknown


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