Life Cycle Assessment on the hydraulic motor OMV/OMVW-800.

  • Bhander, Gurbakhash Singh (Project Manager)

    Project Details


    The project was made under the supervision of Sauer-Danfoss (formal host of this project) and the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management (Institut for Produktion og Ledelse IPL) at Denmark's Technical University (DTU).

    The aim of the project was to perform a cradle-to-grave Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on the Hydraulic motor type OMV/W-800 manufactured by the international company, Sauer-Danfoss. The goal of the study was to clarify the impact potentials, including resource consumptions and environmental impact potentials throughout the entire lifespan of the hydraulic motor OMV/W-800 by means of a literature survey, Sauer-Danfoss literature and data, and other information sources by adopting the LCA methodology as a tool. Furthermore the goal was to carry out a complete quantitative analysis on the product's processes and materials, and identifying and evaluating the most promising options for improving the product systems with respect to environmental quality and resource efficiency.

    Many of Sauer Danfoss A/S suppliers did not want to disclose data on their production due to fear of competition and confidential agreements with third party suppliers. Even with the knowledge of my confidentiality agreement with Sauer-Danfoss A/S, many of the suppliers and company employees were unwilling to cooperate with me. Thus the data collection proved to be very time consuming. Especially data on ancillary substances, proved to be hard to acquire. Therefore the main conclusions are drawn on incomplete data with regard to toxicity impacts.

    The goal and scope of the study is defined in detail. Data collected in the inventory part is a mixture of actual measurements, calculations, literature data and estimates. To accomplish the goal, the potential impacts on the environment and the resource consumptions of the hydraulic product system are assessed by means of a literature survey and the EDIP computer tool. Based on the results from the EDIP PC Tool, it is determined that the main impacts of the hydraulic product system are the contributions to persistent toxicity, human toxicity, eco-toxicity, global warming, acidification, photochemical ozone formation and nutrient enrichment and material related resource consumptions of nickel and molybdenum are due to the use of raw materials in the form of high quality steel. Finally, the service and efficiency of the hydraulic motor are found to be significant parameters.
    Effective start/end date01/09/200001/09/2001


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