Leaching of heavy metals from soils

  • Christensen, Thomas Højlund (Project Manager)
  • Kjeldsen, Peter (Project Participant)
  • Astrup, Thomas Fruergaard (Project Participant)
  • Boddum, Jens Kjærsgaard (Project Participant)
  • Astrup, Thomas Fruergaard (Project Participant)
  • Jensen, Dorthe Lærke (Project Participant)
  • Foverskov, Anja (Project Participant)
  • Holm, P. (Project Participant)
  • Hjelmar, O. (Project Participant)

Project Details


Quality criteria for soils with respect to heavy metals have traditionally focused on the environmental issues related to the land use (ingestion of soil, skin contact, etc.) and very little attention has been given to protection of the groundwater. The complex form of heavy metals in polluted soils makes prediction of leachability difficult and leaching experiments or leaching test are usually the only way to assess the amount of metal to leach from the soil.
Model scenarios are being developed to evaluate heavy metal leaching in the context of groundwater protection and allow for simplified methods to account for groundwater quality criteria, depth and location of polluted soil, reduction in infiltration and leachable amounts determined in leaching test.
Experimental studies have been performed at actual sites and leaching experiments are conducted in the laboratory.
Effective start/end date01/01/199631/12/1998

Collaborative partners


  • Unknown


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