Kinetic studies and Computional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations to aid in the development og Tantalun coated extreme corrison resistance welded plate heat exchangers (ECWP)

  • Mugabi, James Atwoki (PhD Student)
  • Bjerrum, Niels J. (Main Supervisor)
  • Christensen, Erik (Supervisor)
  • Li, Qingfeng (Examiner)
  • Papatheodorou, George (Examiner)
  • Eriksen, Søren (Supervisor)
  • Skou, Eivind Morten (Examiner)
  • Petrushina, Irina (Supervisor)

Project Details

Effective start/end date01/10/201117/12/2014


  • Technical University of Denmark


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