Job Quality in Europe/Denmark

  • Sørensen, Ole Henning (Project Manager)
  • Westergård Nielsen, Niels (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    The Russell Sage Foundation develops and supports a cross-national comparison of the quality of lowwage employment in Europe and the United States. Having completed an extensive series of case studies of such jobs in the US in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, Russell Sage now seeks to commission a collection of comparable case studies for five European countries: Denmark, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

    The stated aims of the overall project are to compare the quality of low-wage employment in the US with that found in Western Europe, with particular emphasis on how the wages and work conditions of low-paid employees are affected by employer responses to growing competitive pressures. Since firms in each country operate in distinctively different institutional environments, the comparisons should increase our understanding of how institutional variation affects the strategies adopted by firms in respect of work organisation, use of new technologies, wage structures, recruitment, training, career development, subcontracting, outsourcing and product/service innovation.

    The project concentrates on the following industries: Hotels, Retail, Hospitals, Food processing and call centers. DTU is responsible for the call center part of the research.
    Effective start/end date01/08/200401/06/2006

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
    • University of Amsterdam (Project partner)
    • Aarhus University (Project partner)
    • Aarhus BSS (Project partner)
    • École normale supérieure (Project partner)


    • Uddannelse. Private. Fonde


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