Integrering mellem bæredygtige byggeprocesser

    Project Details


    The purpose of this project is to enhance the market and cooperation in the construction sector across the
    Øresund Region. Every year more the 80 billion SEK are invested in new buildings and construction in the
    Øresund region.
    There are many similarities between the Danish and Swedish construction sector and many actors are working
    on both sides of the Øresund. Despite this fact it is not possible for the sector to benefit from the Øresund
    Region as one market. This is due to differences in traditions, structures and differences in between the
    national codes. Today this means that there is not a common market in this sector why regional initiativ is
    needed to open up this.
    There is an immediate need for a regional network and for common “interpreters” of the national systems if
    actors in the construction sector should be able to work together and be able to work across the Øresund.
    The project focuses on removing obstacles and uncertainties which limit the possibilities of both public and
    private actors. This will be done by:
    Creating network for discussions
    Creating regional understanding, and strive for transformation, of national manuals
    Influencing the harmonisation of national codes
    The activities will be related to topics that are recognised as being of relevance in creating a coherent market
    in the Øresund Region. The project revolves around the topics Building Information Modelling (BIM) and
    Classification. 8 pilot cases around this will be done.
    A strong network that involves both public and private actors needs to be established. And the networks need
    to discuss and find the necessary solutions. To do this communicative activities are necessary as well as a high
    knowledge and a broad composition of competences.
    Partners are all from institutes and institutions that have the above mentioned competences. The partners are
    from: Lund University (LTH), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and Danish Building Research Institute (SBi).
    Effective start/end date17/09/200917/09/2012


    • Forsk. EU - Andre EU-midler


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