Project Details
In connection with making the building energy regulations more rigorous in Denmark in the year of 2005, it makes sense to apply solar heating in the methods for fulfilling the require-ments of the goal of Energy 21. In this case it is important to develop new applications which combine solar heating with integration of energy storage in new buildings. Using conventional floor constructions usable for saving of energy, there is a benefit in saving cost in connection with the establishment of the heat storage, this can influence the building sector to increase the spreading of this kind of solar heating applications.
The main effort in the project concerns detailed combined calculations of the heat storage. These calculations will examine the following: 1) The actual heat looses to the ground in agreement with the code DS 418 appendix 4. 2) Heat transfer to air with an accurate determi-nation of the temperature of the surface of the floor, which is important for the indoor climate in the building. 3) Active transmissions of heat from the collector to the floor which according to previous speculations of sand storage make the system more profitable. The storage will retrieve huge alternation effect, which is disposed as small effects over a long period in the floor heating system. This can have importance for the optimal control of the system. The op-timal control depend former on the self adjustment mechanism given by the surface tempera-ture of the floor and next on the possibility of active transferring of heat from the storage to the floor and finely on benefit of heat for domestic water heating and comfort from heat in tile floor in bathrooms.
The main effort in the project concerns detailed combined calculations of the heat storage. These calculations will examine the following: 1) The actual heat looses to the ground in agreement with the code DS 418 appendix 4. 2) Heat transfer to air with an accurate determi-nation of the temperature of the surface of the floor, which is important for the indoor climate in the building. 3) Active transmissions of heat from the collector to the floor which according to previous speculations of sand storage make the system more profitable. The storage will retrieve huge alternation effect, which is disposed as small effects over a long period in the floor heating system. This can have importance for the optimal control of the system. The op-timal control depend former on the self adjustment mechanism given by the surface tempera-ture of the floor and next on the possibility of active transferring of heat from the storage to the floor and finely on benefit of heat for domestic water heating and comfort from heat in tile floor in bathrooms.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 15/12/1999 → 01/01/2001 |
Collaborative partners
- Technical University of Denmark (lead)
- Danish Technological Institute (Project partner)
- Unknown
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