Project Details


The BONUS INSPIRE Project conducts pilot ecosystem field surveys that help resolving the habitat requirements of different life-stages of the focal species by combined use of traditional methods and application of modern advanced analysis and modelling techniques.

The research is conducted in a matrix approach with four species specific case (cod, herring, sprat and flounder) and five research work-packages.The work packages deal with
1. habitat requirements and survival probability for different life stages.
2. connectivity between habitat occupied in successive life stages.
3. spatial scaling from local events to regional population dynamics.
4. spatially explicit analytical stock assessments (including a comprehensive flatfish programme).
5. ecosystem-based management and Marine Strategy Framework Directive indicators.

The overarching questions of the BONUS INSPIRE Project are:
- What habitat (both pelagic and benthic) conditions characterize the spatial distributions of cod, herring, sprat and flounder?
- To what extent do fishing and species interaction affect the local and basin-scale distribution of exploited stocks?
- What drives spatial connectivity and migrations of different fish species/populations?
- How does stock structure and separation of natural populations impact stock assessment outcomes?

DTU Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Resources
University of Tartu, Estonia (coordinator)
National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Poland
Stockholm University, Sweden
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR”, Riga, Latvia
Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Thünen-Institute, Germany
University of Hamburg, Germany
National Resources Institute, Finland
Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
Lund University, Sweden
Uppsala University, Sweden

This project is  funded by EU, BONUS (Science for a Better Future of the Baltic Sea Region), ERA-NET.

Research area: Marine Populations and Ecosystem Dynamics
Research area: Ecosystem based Marine Management
Effective start/end date01/02/201430/08/2017

Collaborative partners

  • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Project partner)
  • Stockholm University (Project partner)
  • Johann Heinrich von Thunen Institute (Project partner)
  • Lund University (Project partner)
  • Uppsala University (Project partner)
  • National Marine Fisheries Research Institute (Project partner)
  • Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Project partner)
  • Institute of Food Safety Animal Health and Environment (Project partner)
  • University of Tartu (Project partner)
  • University of Hamburg (Project partner)
  • National Resources Institute Finland (Project partner)


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