Integrated Photonic Broadband Radio Access Units for Next Generation Optical Access Networks

  • Vegas Olmos, Juan José (Project Participant)
  • Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    To enjoy sustainable economic and social benefits, it is of utmost importance that advanced broadband networks and applications are available to all European businesses and consumers to assure “comprehensive availability and take-up of fast and ultra-fast internet”.
    Fiber, in particular point-to-point fiber development, is the most “future proof” network technology to reach the above mentioned targets and deliver next generation access. In Europe, however, most of all rural homes are still waiting for next generation access (NGA) to come. IPHOBAC-NG aims at changing this situation by developing novel photonic components and sub-systems providing broadband wireless access.
    This will be achieved by developing application-specific lasers, optical modulators and detectors to construct novel photonic millimeter-wave radios (PMWR) for providing
    a) complementary 1–10Gb/s wireless access and
    b) 3 Gb/s mobile backhaul,
    both being seamlessly integrated in next generation optical access networks using WDM Technology.
    Effective start/end date01/11/201331/10/2016


    • microwave photonics


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