Project Details


SeaStatus will exploit the potential of combining novel and traditional measurement techniques with ecosystem modelling to improve the information basis for management.

New routines for standardisation, integration and processing of large and differentiated data sets are required in order to extract the embedded information and integrate this into model-based decision support tools. Applying a broad range of classical and new statistical analyses, rooted in data mining and big data analytics, as well as grey-box and mechanistic modelling approaches, we will develop a framework for improved real-time description and predictions of the marine environment.

The focus on adaptive management and easily accessible models that provide estimates of uncertainties and allow for risk assessments is new in ecosystem management. The vision is to support decisions and introduce adaptive environmental management.

The beneficiaries of the project comprise both public institutions and private enterprises. Applying new cost-effective approaches is the key to maintaining and strengthening the strong Danish position in the world market and supporting Danish export of environmental knowledge and technology.

DTU Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Resources
DHI, Denmark (coordinator)
Aarhus University, Denmark
Danish Road Directorate, Denmark
COWI, Denmark
Gras, Denmark
Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Denmark

The project is funded by Innovation Fund, Denmark.

Research area: Coastal Ecology

Effective start/end date01/01/201730/06/2021


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