IEA TCP Wind Task 26 dissemination event: The changing economics of wind power in high renewables futures

  • Kitzing, Lena (PI)
  • Lantz, Eric (Project Participant)
  • Laido, Ahti Simo (PhD Student)
  • Rand, Joe (Project Participant)
  • Beiter, Philipp (Project Participant)
  • Riva, Alberto Dalla (Project Participant)
  • Hethey, János (Project Participant)
  • Jansen, Malte (Project Participant)
  • Lindboe, Hans Henrik (Project Participant)
  • Gea-Bermudez, Juan (Project Participant)

Project Details


Task 26 of IEA has facilitated extensive international research in the field of future wind energy costs levels as well as the factors that affect these. Members of Task 26 as well as guest speakers presented and discussed cutting-edge research and new insights into costs and values of offshore wind energy at this event.

Topics will included:

Cutting wind energy costs in half by 2050 – results of an expert elicitation
Expert perspectives on the wind plant of the future
Market Value of Wind – perspectives from a European-wide analysis
Value-based metrics to assess offshore wind cost
The rise of competitive procurement in offshore wind energy
Peek into the future: economic perspectives on floating wind, energy islands, new business models and financing concepts, new routes to market including Power-to-X
The workshop was a combination of presentations and open discussion. The event took place at the WindEurope Electric City 2021 conference.
Effective start/end date23/11/202123/11/2021

Collaborative partners


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