IEA PVPS Task 16 Solar ressource for high penetration

    Project Details


    The purpose of this project is to develop better recommendations for understanding the solar energy resource in energy systems with high degree of renewable energy penetration. This is done as an international collaboration within the IEA PVPS programme.
    Project description
    With increasingly high penetration of PV, concentrating solar power (CSP), and solar heating plants into our energy and heating systems around the world, increased knowledge on the solar radiation potential become ever more important.
    During meetings in 2015 and 2016 a detailed work plan was made for an upcoming task in the framework of the International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA PVPS) to address the issues outlined above. The task entitled: “Solar resource for high penetration and large scale applications” was approved by the IEA PVPS Executive Committee in November 2016 as IEA PVPS Task 16. The task runs for three years from 2017 to 2020.
    DTU will continue the work done in the IEA SHC Task 46 (2011-2016), where the focus was on the directional and temporal variability of the solar resource. Now the focus will be on how this affects the energy production in the rows of large scale solar collector and PV fields.
    AcronymIEA Task 16
    Effective start/end date01/01/201831/12/2020


    • Energiteknologisk Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram


    • Solar resource
    • high penetration renewable energy systems
    • Solar heating plants
    • PV
    • CSP Concentrating solar power


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