IEA Annex TS3: Hybrid Energy Networks - District heating and cooling networks in an integrated energy system context

  • Tunzi, Michele (PI)
  • Svendsen, Svend (PI)
  • Østergaard, Dorte Skaarup (PI)

    Project Details


    This project focuses on the Danish participation in the international research project "DHC Annex TS3: District heating and cooling networks in an integrated energy context". This is part of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Technology Collaboration Program on District Heating and Cooling including Combined Heat and Power (IEA DHC | CHP).

    Key findings

    The main activities will be focused on identifying applicable HEN technologies and synergy potentials and under what conditions these can be applied. The results from the international collaboration will be conveyed in a practical guidebook and openly accessible for targeted stakeholders as district heating and network operators, utility companies, policy makers, municipalities, manufacturers and the research community. By documenting best practices and practical actions, the outputs will motivate and support the strategic decision in the transition towards the future hybrid energy system.
    Effective start/end date01/09/201930/06/2022

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark
    • Grundfos DK AS (Project partner)
    • Damgaard Consulting Engineers (Project partner)
    • PlanEnergi (Project partner)
    • Aalborg University (Project partner) (lead)


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