Highly Insulating and Light Transmitting Aerogel Glazing for Window

  • Jensen, Karsten Ingerslev (Project Manager)
  • Schultz, Jørgen Munthe (Project Participant)
  • Nitz, Peter (Project Participant)
  • Platzer, Werner (Project Participant)
  • Rydén, Mats (Project Participant)
  • Achard, Patrick (Project Participant)
  • Rigacci, Arnaud (Project Participant)
  • Chevalier, Bruno (Project Participant)
  • Pajonk, Gérard M. (Project Participant)
  • Buathier, Serge (Project Participant)
  • Durant, Marcel (Project Participant)
  • Gullberg, Leif (Project Participant)
  • Petermann, Georg (Project Participant)
  • Einarsrud, Mari-Ann (Project Participant)
  • Sørensen, Henrik (Project Participant)
  • Mølholm, Niels Bo (Project Participant)
  • Valette, Dominique (Project Participant)
  • Brauer, Harald (Project Participant)


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