High-pressure behaviour of nanostructured materials

  • Gerward, Leif (Project Manager)
  • Jiang, Jianzhong (Project Participant)
  • Mørup, Steen (Project Participant)
  • Nielsen, Kurt (Project Participant)
  • Olsen, J. Staun (Project Participant)

Project Details


Nanostructured materials, consisting of small crystallites of diameters 1-100 nm, often have novel physical and chemical properties, different from those observed in bulk materials.
The aim of the project is to understand the effects of crystallite size on solid-solid phase transitions in nanostructured materials by performing in-situ high pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements for a wide range of nanostructured materials. The research will address and answer a number of important questions related to the understanding of first order solid-solid phase transitions induced by pressure.
Effective start/end date01/10/1997 → …

Collaborative partners


  • Unknown


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